Pasadena Street Artist - The Ice House

As a local Pasadena street artist, I had the opportunity to paint new murals for the renovation of The Ice House Pasadena comedy club, located in the Playhouse District just north of Colorado Blvd. These interactive graffiti art pieces are a must-see along the famous Rose Parade route.

Pasadena Street Art Alley - The Ice House

If you're not familiar with The Ice House Comedy Club, it's a historic venue that has hosted some of the biggest names in comedy over the years. Recently, I had the honor of contributing to the club's unique atmosphere by painting several interior and exterior murals. The newly renovated space will now feature music performances as well.

The main entrance mural features the slogan, "Welcome to The Ice House Pasadena," with the subtext looking like glowing neon and the main letters resembling blocks of sculpted ice to tie into the club's theme. The exterior murals, located in the alley on the side of the building, include an interactive photo-op mural designed by the comedy club and another that turns two cemented-off windows into a graphic that looks like you're looking into the comedy club. The final mural on their back patio serves as a backdrop for their giant polar bear statue and features a wintry/cold scene with their logo.

Pasadena Street Artist for Hire - Angel Wings
Pasadena Alley Street Art in Playhouse Village - Spray Paint

These murals are an excellent example of how murals have become an increasingly popular way to add personality and flair to businesses of all types. As a Pasadena street artist, I can help you create a custom mural that fits your brand and your vision. For more information, please see the contact info located at the bottom of the page.

Patio Mural Backdrop

If you're in the Pasadena area, I highly recommend stopping by The Ice House Comedy Club to see these murals in person. And if you're looking for a way to add some personality to your own venue, I'd be happy to help. As a Pasadena street artist, I'm proud to contribute to the vibrant public art scene in this area.